Friday, October 29, 2010

Trunk WIP The Sequel

The trunk is coming along. I feel like I'm getting somewhere with it finally. Inspiration has been a little tough the past week or so because I've been fighting off a cold that keeps showing up for little visits. With the rain and overcast skies I really feel like I just want to wrap myself up in a tacky little snuggie, drink a lot of pumpkin latte's and watch movies 24/7. I wish. As that's not happening anytime soon, I keep plugging away.

My colors still need a lot of work and I need to tweak some musculature but the basic bones look good at this point so I feel like progress has been made.

The white horse is quite hard to photograph and so he actually looks better in person which is a good thing I guess.

All in all, I think a few more days and I'll be near finished with the main part of this project. Up next will be the niche windows with a dressage saddle and bits and that (compared to the horsies) should be a piece O' cake.

At least I hope! Because if there's one thing I have learned from painting is that you can never be certain you won't run into issues.

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