Saturday, November 27, 2010

Tryptophan, Vanilla Rum & Cuddly Dogs Complete

I know that the turkey coma is a myth (yep, turkey contains about as much tryptophan as a similar piece of chicken or beef) but every year on Thanksgiving afternoon I slip into what can only be described as a catatonic state of holiday over-indulgence.

I never learn.

Between the turkey, pumpkin pie and about a gazillion other insulin-busting carbs that will make their evil way straight to my thighs, Thanksgiving didn't disappoint this year. Nope. Not a bit. And next to the food, the weather was perfectly festive if you like ice and snow (and I do).

The only thing missing was a snow boy to shovel my driveway and sidewalks. I'm not kidding. Where are the snow boys when you need them? Do a girl a favor and please send one, thanks!

In between the food coma and the hilarity of watching my three dogs try and fit their hick selves in with my family's two very well behaved (although not nearly as cute!) pooches, we watched a lot of movies.

Schmaltzy, corny, goofy rom-com holiday movies like Serendipity, Bridget Jones and Love Actually. And then Friday we dragged ourselves out of the house to go and see a proper movie (The King's Speech). The thing is, The King's Speech didn't open at our art house theater as advertised (great job Boise flicks Theater!) and so we ended up at Love and Other Drugs.

Just going to say...a lot of holiday nudity ensued.

Love and Other Drugs was actually better than I expected and frankly, I'm not going to kick naked Jake Gyllenhall and Anne Hatheway off my movie screen just because. You add in Oliver Platt, George Segal and Jill Clayburgh (R.I.P) and I'm quite glad I ended up seeing it.

Friday night was the big Idaho/Nevada game which we lost. Boo hiss. I watched the game with some nice friends where vanilla rum was running rampant. And that's all I'm saying about that...

Enough about my Thanksgiving. Just wanted to post a finished shot of the Mastiff sign commission I completed. When it's clear coated the colors will become more intense but it's always harder to get a good photograph once the signs have a sheen so I'm posting this one beforehand.

Cute, cuddly and huge doggies done.

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